writer, among other things.

6 types of 'groupme' users that'll make you want to uninstall the app

let’s talk about why groupme was created in the first place. according to their website, it was created to help individuals “coordinate with co-workers, organize a game night and keep in touch with family all in the same place.” the annoying thing is that we’ve somehow gotten away from why it was created and have turned it into probably one of the most annoying ways of communicating... ever. i believe that these are the people to blame.

6). the overly available one. 

you should find a job. and, if you have a job...you should be more productive at said job. if you need something to do with your time, find a hobby, refine a skill, or volunteer somewhere. groupme is not the place for you to self loathe. no one cares about that your co-worker stole your parking spot or the fact that you are hungry because you left your lunch at home. just saying. 

5). the keyboard warrior. 

you aren't bad. stop typing things with your fingers that wouldn't flow from your mouth if you were physically present with the people you are communicating with via groupme. seriously. 

4). the one who keeps the chat on mute.

ok, the problem is not that you keep your groupme chats on mute. the problem is that sometimes the main ones that have their groups on mute are the ones complaining about being "late" to the conversation or not being informed about "moves" being made. newsflash, your groupme's are on silent and you've chosen not to check them regularly. get comfortable with missing out or get uncomfortable with your phone going off all day as a result of being notified about meaningless conversations happening between the keyboard warrior and the overly available one. 

3). the self-proclaimed "keeper of the chat". 

you're the type of groupme user that has all the nerve. you add (and purge) people as you please based off unofficial criteria you've established on your own. first off, groupme is not that serious. second, who gave you complete dominion over who can and cannot enter the group? heck, even the hunger games had a lottery drawing. if you wanna be over something, how about becoming a leader in another area of your life like... school, work, or your local church.

2). the instigator.

we know why you're here; to like the shadiest of shady comments and to add  "the eye" emoji to the chat in order to add just a tad more drama to the already mess contained pot. 

1). the distributor of the screenshots. 

you should be a journalist with as much dirt as you uncover. you may sike yourself into thinking that you don't actually go and look for gossip (it just finds you), right? wrong. you actually thrive on not just finding the latest dirt, but you've got to screenshot it too, so you can post it without warning to evoke the highest level of shock from the intended recipient. while you may make the groupme experience more entertaining, what happens when someone screenshots your screenshot and sends it to the person you originally screenshotted who then screenshots that and sends it to you, asking why you screenshotted them in the first place? hmm.



Rayvon C.groupme, apps, phone