writer, among other things.

7 types of friends you're holding on to, but probably need to let go

friends, we've all got them. they help us in times of need and are with us during the best and worst of times. every now and then you've got to take an inventory of your friends and their relevance in your life. if you are at the point where you are considering a shift or transition in your life, these are some of the people you may want (and more importantly, need) to leave where they are...such as the ones listed below. 

7). the negative one. 

have a friend that seems to know a problem for every solution? can't seem to ever find happiness, regardless of who or what is involved? i'm sure one has probably already come to mind. whoever it is, you may need to let them go. nobody wants to be around a "negative nancy" or a "pessimistic paul" all the time. besides, there's only so much negativity a person can take at one time, ya know?

6). the drama queen. 

this is the person you have to think twice about before taking them certain places. you know, the one who manages to always be "into it" with someone; they always have an issue with what someone says and how it was said. they are the "drama queen" of your circle (or drama king, because let's face it, those exists too!). save yourself the trouble of having to store vaseline and timbaland boots in the trunk of your car and remove these type of people from your life. let's leave the fighting and excessive arguing to reality television. 

5). the gossiper. 

this is the one that seems to have all the dirt. they're an incubator for mess, drama and rumors. although their conversations with you seem informative and entertaining, you're fooling yourself if you think they aren't informing and entertaining other people... with your business. as the saying goes, a dog that'll bring a bone, will also take one. if you have to be mindful of what you share with them because you are afraid of it being told to someone else, that's a sure sign that you should probably let this "fiend" go, because they certainly aren't a "friend". 

4). the under achiever.

you're working two jobs to put yourself through school so that you can earn a degree and start your own business. meanwhile, your friend is procrastinating on a paper that they've already received three extensions on, and trying to remember whether or not they recorded the latest episode of 'grey's anatomy'. this is a sure sign that you are dealing with an under achiever. you know, the one who seems to lack drive (all the time) and has made the choice to perform at the basic, minimum requirement, rather than exceeding expectations. no matter how nice they are, or how long you've known them, the under achiever can bring you down if you let them. this is because they've accepted mediocrity as their normality. and, if mediocrity is not "your thing", then the under achieveing one probably shoudn't be "your friend". 

3). the compulsive liar.

all of us are guilty of telling those "white lies". you know, those "half truths" that really only have about 2% truth, so they can't count as a 100% lie...technically. but, right now I'm talking about that one friend that seems to be allergic to the truth. the only thing they know how to do is lie. it can  be about anything, too. they'll lie about what they ate for breakfast and it's just like... why are you lying like this? these are the ones who seem to enjoy lying just for the sake of lying. they've told lie after lie and because of that, they have a hard time keeping up with what they've told who. i believe that if you'll lie, you'll cheat. if you'll cheat, you'll steal. if you'll steal, you'll kill. so basically, dealing with a liar is just like dealing with a murderer; its dangerous. 

2). the promiscuous one. 

this is the one that's always hot-and-ready like a little ceasar's pizza. they don't quite understand the importance of saving themselves, so they give pieces of themselves away.... to anyone. their reputation precedes them everywhere they go and you find yourself always having to "defend" their character to others when this particular friend is not around. this is not ok. anyone who legit thinks that "my 20's are a time for me to have fun, make mistakes, and not be tied down" is miguided. your 20's (or 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's etc.) is not an excuse for you to go and give yourself to the highest bidder at any given moment. if they can't understand this concept, you may need to let them go because who your friends are is a reflection of who you are. as the saying goes, "birds of a feather, flock together." if your friend (male or female) is a jezebel, what do you think people will think you are? not a nun, i can tell you that much. 

1). the freeloader (i.e. the broke one). 

i'm sure you already have a person in mind. this is the one who never seems to have money. they are not only always broke, but always asking you for something. it's gotten to the point that they feel entitled to you doing things for them because ya'll are friends. yet, they never offer do anything for you. everytime ya'll go out, you have to pick them up. ok, maybe they don't have a car... so they can't pick you up. but, they never fix their hand to offer you gas money, either. this is the friend who'll order their food and then ask you to pay for it because they forgot their wallet. "I'll quickpay you", they said. "as soon as we get to the car", they said. the moment of repayment never comes, but the "moment of begging" seems to reoccur over and over again. and the craziest part of it all is when you actually address them about it, what do they do? they get defensive. ain't that crazy? how can you always be "down for the turn up" or "looking for a move" and your wallet is dryer than cacti in the atacama desert? how? stop carrying dead weight and wondering why you can't experience increase in your finances. let the leach go, before your finances become more aligned with theirs.